Xunta de Galicia
Xunta de Galicia
The website of the Concello de Redondela offers a virtual tour that puts in the hands of visitors all the services and possibilities offered by this dynamic and attractive city.
Redondela hosts the most relevant professional and business events that allow Redondela to be at the epicentre of international trade flows; supported by its strategic location, axis of the Euroregion Galicia North of Portugal, the most important in Europe, and gateway of the Atlantic to the old continent.
The city project implements all these features, and also seeks to give Redondela a new vision according to current needs, a perspective that delvs into habitability. The Concello de Redondela advocates a city respectful of the environment, aware of the intangible but invaluable value of our environment at the local and global level, which increases the quality of life of each and every one of its inhabitants.
Work performed
Social Media Management (SMO)